Sirvo WP Job Board

*If Sirvo is administering your careers page, simply add us as a new user to your site. See the instructions for adding a new user below.

Installing the plugin

To get started with the Sirvo WordPress plugin, follow the installation directions below.

  1. Login to WordPress dashboard and click add new in the plugins menu or at the top of plugin page.
  2. Search for the plugin by using Sirvo as the keyword.
  3. Locate the plugin named Sirvo Job Search and click install now.
  4. When you see the message that the plugin was successfully installed, click the activate plugin link to get started on your careers page.


Once installed, the plugin settings can be accessed from the main menu by going to settings and selecting sirvo settings.


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Careers page setup

After installing the plugin, you can set up your careers page by accessing the Sirvo Settings as shown above.

Connecting your account

To get started, login to your Sirvo account. This will automatically pull in all business pages that you have either created or have admin access to. Only one user account can be active at a time, so this user should either be the page creator or be an admin for all business pages that you would like to include on your careers page.

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If you would like to include another business page to which you do not currently have access, request that either the page creator or a page admin send an admin invite to the email address associated with the user account with which you are logging in on the plugin.

Configuring your settings

After logging into your account you will be able to complete the setup for your main career page. All changes to this page should be done from Sirvo settings, and not from the editing view of the page itself (when accessed from pages).

  1. Enter a hex color for the general color of the page. Ex: #ff4a00
  1. Select the locations you would like to display on the main careers page. If there are no locations selected, all jobs on Sirvo will be displayed.
  1. When complete, click save changes.


Creating your job search page

To create your job search page, copy and paste the shortcode (outline in blue above) into the page, post or widget where you’d like the job search displayed.

  1. Access the editing mode of the page, post or widget in which you would like to display the plugin.
  2. In the text area, insert the shortcode.
  3. Complete with any additional information necessary.

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Finished product

The finished product will look something like this:

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Adding a new user to your site

To have Sirvo be the administrator of your careers page follow these instructions to add us as a user to your WordPress site.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site.
  2. Click “Users” on the left menu.
  3. Click “Add New”.
  4. Fill in the Username and Email fields.
    1. The username can be whatever you would like.
    2. Use [email protected] for the email.
  5. Within the Role field, select “Administrator” from the dropdown menu.
  6. Click “Add New User” at the bottom of the form.

Sirvo will be sent an email with the username and password.