Business Owners Toolkit
Resources for Restaurant Owners and Operators

How to Write a Job Listing That Attracts Stellar Professionals
The job listing is the first step towards getting that truly stellar employee, so needless to say, it has to be good! Use these pro-tips to make sure your job listings go the distance.
5 Ways to Help Your Restaurant Survive Past the 5-Year Mark
The restaurant business is tough. So much so that 80 percent don’t make it to the 5-year mark. Make sure your restaurant stands the test of time with this tips.
Why Half of Your New Hires Could Leave in Less Than a Year
There is a trend in hospitality that employers know all too well: only about half of new hires stay more than one year. Here’s why.
5 Ways to Help Your Restaurant Survive The First Five Years
With 60 percent of restaurants closing within the first year, reaching the 5-year mark can be challenging to say the least. Increase your chances of survival with these 5 pointers.
Cost Per Hire: How to Calculate It, How to Control It
Having an accurate picture of your cost per hire is crucial to running a successful business. While it can be difficult to calculate, here’s the easiest way to go about it and the best methods for controlling it.
Training Hacks: Employee Evaluations and Training Program Adjustments
Now that training is underway, it’s time to measure performance. Here’s how to make the most out of employee evaluations and next steps for your program.
Training Hacks: Developing an Effective Training Process
In order to train new hires efficiently and effectively, a comprehensive training process is a must. Here are all the basics for laying down the groundwork.
4 Reasons a Social Media Strategy is Vital to Your Restaurant
Taking a strategic approach to social media can significantly grow your restaurant’s awareness. Not a believer? These 4 reasons will open your eyes.
Training Hacks: Materials and Resources Essential for New Hires
One of the most important aspects of a successful training system is always having these important resources and materials ready to go for new hires.
Training Hacks: Building Your Team
The best training programs begin by hiring the best employees. This can be the difference between immediate success and possible failure!
Create a Successful Employee Manual With These Must-Haves
Every hospitality business needs a quality employee manual to help guide new hires and current staff through important policies and procedures.
12 Months of Motivation: What Motivates You?
Welcome to our new series 12 Months of Motivation. To kick it off, January’s theme is all about what motivates you to work hard day in and day out!