5 Things That Make Your Profile Look Unprofessional

5 Things That Make Your Profile Look Unprofessional

Good Profile=Hired

One of the great features of online hiring platforms, like Sirvo, is the ability to create a profile unique to you and your accomplishments. Your Sirvo profile acts as a digital resume and is the first thing employers look at when deciding to consider you for an open position. Here are a few suggestions to assist you in making your professional profile stand out from the rest.

Profile & Cover Photo

It’s not necessary for you to upload a profile picture or a cover photo on Sirvo, but if choose to do so, you should definitely use one that shows you in your best light. The hospitality industry is still a fun industry, so we are not suggesting that you should look like you work at a bank. We are just suggesting to maybe not use photo of you and your friends at the bar. Your phone has an amazing camera and plenty of ways to edit and apply filters to enhance your best features.

Completing Your Profile

On Sirvo, your profile acts as a digital resume and is the first thing employers see when you’ve applied to a position. We provide options for you to include your work experience, education, skills and interests. It’s a simple template that can be filled out quickly and is your chance to showcase what you’ve accomplished and why you’re qualified for the position. An unfinished profile is 99% less likely to receive a response from an employer.

Know who you are trying to work for and dress accordingly.


One would think living in a world of spell-check that simple grammatical or spelling errors would be a thing of the past, but the reality is that the existence of spell-check has made us worse writers prone to simple errors. We see these mistakes being made on all levels, even by major news organizations. We are not casting judgement here (we are guilty of this). But what we are saying is that when you are applying for a position, check your writing and then double-check it. The last thing anyone wants is to be disqualified for consideration of a new job because of a simple grammatical error.

Dress the Part

We live in a pretty laid back culture and as a society we have become a lot more accepting of a looser and somewhat less professional culture in the workplace. The hospitality industry is one of those industries that has accepted this relaxed decorum. That being said, there is a level of professionalism that should be maintained and is expected of applicants seeking open positions. Just because you are applying for that Barista position down the street at your neighborhood’s hippest coffee shop, doesn’t mean you should wear a t-shirt and jeans to the interview. Know who you are trying to work for and dress accordingly.

An unfinished profile is 99% less likely to receive a response from an employer.


Sharing too much information, be it in within your profile or in a job interview, is also something we suggest not to do. Everyone knows it is an election year, your interview is probably not the best place to get on your soapbox about what you think is wrong with this world. We also recommend not revealing too much about last week’s music festival. Speak to your qualifications and what sets you apart from other candidates applying to the same position.

We recognize that for a lot of our applicants, making a career in the hospitality industry is not the plan. A lot of times the attitude seems to be that some people are just doing this until they find their “real job”. Well the fact of the matter is that for most employers, this is their real job. We should carry ourselves as professionals in all lines and at all levels of work. The same person offering you that Dishwasher position, may be the same person who offers you that Sous Chef position down the road. How you carried yourself in that initial meeting will go a long way.

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Minimizing Food Costs for Your Restaurant

Minimizing Food Costs for Your Restaurant

Whether you’re a brand new restaurant that’s just getting started or an established restaurant with a long history of success, controlling food costs is one of your top priorities. You don’t want to deliver anything less than the quality your customers have come to expect. On the other hand, you don’t want to overspend, either! Try some of these tips for minimizing food costs while still providing the excellent quality that every customer expects from your restaurant.

Know What Your Menu Items Cost

Have you ever taken the time to evaluate what each item on your menu actually costs you to create? Check out the individual cost of the ingredients and add them up in order to determine how much you’re really spending on each dish. Some of those premium dishes may end up costing you more than you think! Knowing how much you’re spending on each item will help you determine how you need to change your restaurant spending.

There are some things that are worth offering discounts on, even if the restaurant makes little or nothing on them.

Check Out the Menu

Do you have items on your menu that simply aren’t selling? Are there ingredients that you must purchase on a regular basis, but which often go bad before anyone orders meals that contain them? If so, it’s definitely time to change your menu.

You should also take food costs into account when developing your menu. Are there dishes that are above the regular price point for your restaurant? There are some things that are worth offering discounts on, even if the restaurant makes little or nothing on them, but you should be sure to evaluate the actual use of each of these menu items.

Evaluate Portion Sizes

Portion sizes can have a huge impact on the cost of each dish. If your dish is designed to have four ounces of meat, but the chef often tosses six ounces in arbitrarily, you’re wasting food. Make sure that you have a standard portion size for each dish. It won’t just help slice food costs; it will also help customers know what to expect every time they order their favorite menu item.

You should think outside the box and find ways to use as much of the food you’ve ordered as you can.

Control Your Inventory

Ordering food that ultimately goes bad is one of the biggest wastes of your restaurant’s food budget. Keep an eye on what’s coming in and what’s actually going out. Don’t let yourself run out of key ingredients, which could cause a problem for customers, but don’t over-order, either! Instead, create an inventory system that keeps the right amount of food coming in for your restaurant.

Watch the Waste

There’s a lot of potential for waste in many restaurant kitchens. From careless prep work that results in perfectly good food being thrown away to dishes that use only a portion of a meat or vegetable, then fail to recycle it for later use, you can find yourself throwing food away quickly – and throwing money away along with it. Look for creative ways to use as much of every piece of food as possible.

That doesn’t mean that you should attempt to use things that aren’t typically edible, but it does mean you should think outside the box and find ways to use as much of the food you’ve ordered as you can. Monitor the employees performing prep work to make sure they understand how to use the food properly.

Reducing food waste, controlling your inventory, and changing your menu to reflect the desires of customers and the needs of the restaurant will all help keep your restaurant running smoothly on a lower budget. The more attention you pay to the way you prepare your food, the lower your food costs will be. Often, that means that you can charge less for key dishes, keeping your customers happier, too!

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How to Avoid Surprise Health Inspections at Your Restaurant

How to Avoid Surprise Health Inspections at Your Restaurant

A restaurant can be a dangerous place, filled with razor-sharp cutting utensils, slippery floors, super-heated liquids and bodies moving at lightning speed in a confined area. It’s the type of hazardous environment that is a magnet for health inspections conducted by both the Occupational Safety and Hazards Administration (OSHA) and other workers’ compensation authorities. 

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. The key is to think safety, starting from senior management all the way down to the people bussing tables. It also comes down to something as simple as the design of the restaurant itself. Here are some suggestions, courtesy of Restaurant Hospitality and OSHA, on how the design of your restaurant can go a long way in reducing workplace injuries.

In the kitchen:

  • Buy countertops and cutting surfaces that can be adjusted to the right height for different workers.
  • Install dumbwaiters to transfer food products between floors.
  • Install sinks that are at the height of most workers’ hips. This helps prevent strain in dishwashing.
  • Buy thick rubber mats for use when kneeling.
  • Make sure that all the equipment, utensils, pots and pans needed in the kitchen are within reach of the shortest worker.

In the front of house:

  • Install coat racks at chest height.
  • Install hip-height bar sinks and ice storage at bars.
  • Install computer workstations for ordering that are adjustable with touchscreens.
  • Install lights at ordering computer workstations with dimmers that direct light upward, toward the ceiling.
  • Design at the bar is important, too. The distance between the bartender and customer should measure 22 inches or less.

Workers in the restaurant should:

  • Store heavy and frequently used items on racks that are no lower than hip height and no higher than chest height.
  • Limit very low and overhead storage to items not often used.
  • Rather than bending, stooping or kneeling, work at levels between your hips and chest. You should work in your power zone while sweeping the floor.

Owners and managers should:

  • Create a written safety policy in your handbook. This should address separately the hazards most frequently encountered by employees. Work rules must meet or exceed OSHA standards. Work rules need to be in writing and be distributed to all.
  • Communicate the rules to employees. Ensure management is on board and all new employees are properly trained prior to starting. Implement continued training safety and establish safety committed, view vendor demos and educate workers on most frequently encountered hazards.
  • Take steps to discover violations. Oversee safety inspections, walk-throughs and audits. Watch for hazards or rule violations. Do periodic safety self-inspections.

Eventually, health inspections will find their way to your location, preferably just on a routine inspection and not because of some catastrophic workplace injury involving hot soup. But by using the information we’ve outlined above you will survive your next OSHA visit because you will have substantially reduced your risk profile.

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Here’s How to Spot a Food Critic In Your Restaurant

Here’s How to Spot a Food Critic In Your Restaurant

The moment a food critic steps into your restaurant, you want to make their experience the best one possible. There are plenty of ways for people to learn about your everyday spectacular customer service, wonderful dishes, and amazing environment, but a food critic’s opinion still has the ability to make or break your restaurant. There’s just one problem: you have to recognize who the food critic is! While you won’t be able to identify them a hundred percent of the time, knowing how to spot a food critic will give you an extra advantage the next time one slips into your restaurant.

The Time Matters

Most of the time, food critics aren’t going to arrive at your restaurant during your busiest times. Instead, they’ll arrive at odd times. Very early reservations are often a giveaway that you’re dealing with a food critic, as are particularly late visits. Customers who come in before the dinner rush on more than one occasion are particularly likely to be food critics, especially if it’s a face you don’t see on a regular basis.

Keep in mind that many food critics prefer to check out a restaurant more than once in order to get a real feel for the dishes, the staff, and the ambiance of the restaurant. You probably know your regular customers fairly well, so the sudden appearance of a customer at an odd time who comes in two or three times in the space of a week is a sign that you’re dealing with a food critic.

Customers who come in before the dinner rush on more than one occasion are particularly likely to be food critics.

Watch for Warning Signs

Many restaurants are on the lookout for customers who come in alone, especially those arriving at odd times. There are, however, several other warning signs that may indicate that you’re dealing with a food critic:

  • Detailed questions about the food, including how it’s prepared, where it’s sourced, and more.
  • A customer who visits the restroom frequently or appears to spend more time than usual on their phone. Critics have to take notes somehow!
  • A customer who pays detailed attention to the server’s spiel at the beginning of the meal.
  • A customer who is very interested in everything going on around the restaurant, constantly looking around and taking everything in.

A customer who pays detailed attention to the server’s spiel at the beginning of the meal is likely to be a food critic.

Observe the Food

Food critics need to taste as many dishes as possible when they visit a restaurant. When they come in alone, they may order an appetizer, entree, and desert for a single individual or check out more than one dish, even if that means leaving with a large number of leftovers. A food critic who dines with a group, on the other hand, might seem more difficult to spot–until you take note of the following behaviors.

  • Everyone at the table orders something different, especially if they order more than just the entree. At a typical table, you’ll see a couple of people who order the same thing.
  • Plates that are passed around the table, especially if they seem targeted at one individual.
  • Small portions of food placed on bread plates and moved to a particular individual at the table.

A savvy server can note these behaviors and let the restaurant managers know that they’re dealing with a food critic, ensuring that you’re able to respond appropriately.

Once you’ve identified a food critic, your goal is to make their experience at your restaurant the best one possible. Ideally, you want your best server to be the one to wait on the food critic to ensure that they’re getting the best service. Treat the food critic like every other guest: offering them the best your restaurant can provide.

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Open Call for The Stanley Marketplace Career Fair

Open Call for The Stanley Marketplace Career Fair

Sirvo is proud to announce that on Saturday, September 24th we will be at Stanley Marketplace’s Career Fair, located at 2501 Dallas St., Aurora, CO. Residing in a hangar formerly owned and operated by Stanley Aviation (once Aurora’s largest employer), this new marketplace is sure to be one of Colorado’s hottest locations to shop, eat, drink and have fun!


Saturday, September 24th 2016

2501 Dallas St., Aurora, CO

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Pre-Registration is Required-Head Here to Register

More than 50 independently owned and operated businesses will all be gathered under one roof looking for that next great hire to join their team in one of the most anticipated openings of 2016. This is the place to work!

The marketplace has two levels of retail shops, restaurants, microbreweries, coffee shops, ice cream, bakeries, salons, health and fitness studios and so much more! Located in northwest Aurora, The Stanley Marketplace is part of a continued revitalization effort that seeks to take older structures located in the city and restructure them in a way that pays homage to their former glory. A lot of thought and effort is put into these types of spaces and it is meant to be a modern gathering place where you can bring friends or family and spend a day enjoying yourself.

More than 50 independently owned and operated businesses will all be gathered under one roof looking for that next great hire to join their team in one of the most anticipated openings of 2016.

Denverites are already accustomed to this type of scene, as many of us frequent The Source or Industry, both located in RiNo. So when you are wondering what Stanley will look like, think of those buildings and triple the amount of things to do and places to visit. The space is so huge it will also play host to some of the best art, food, music and cultural events (or “Happenings“) we all love to partake in as Coloradans; including CherryArts at The Stanley and 5280 Eats hosted by 5280 Magazine!

So, if you are looking for a fun and exciting environment to work in and have been waiting for an opportunity like The Stanley Marketplace to arrive, then come see us on Saturday, September 24th with your Sirvo resume printed and ready to go! With a place this popular, this is your chance to get your foot in the door. If you have any friends that you think would be interested in applying to work at The Stanley or are looking for a position in hospitality in general, share this blog post and tell them to head over to Sirvo and create their profile.

See you there! 

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