Knowing how to handle difficult FOH situations will help you stand out for your boss and further you in your restaurant career. Follow these tips to really impress with your people skills!

5 Things That Make Your Profile Look Unprofessional
Good Profile=Hired
One of the great features of online hiring platforms, like Sirvo, is the ability to create a profile unique to you and your accomplishments. Your Sirvo profile acts as a digital resume and is the first thing employers look at when deciding to consider you for an open position. Here are a few suggestions to assist you in making your professional profile stand out from the rest.
Profile & Cover Photo
It’s not necessary for you to upload a profile picture or a cover photo on Sirvo, but if choose to do so, you should definitely use one that shows you in your best light. The hospitality industry is still a fun industry, so we are not suggesting that you should look like you work at a bank. We are just suggesting to maybe not use photo of you and your friends at the bar. Your phone has an amazing camera and plenty of ways to edit and apply filters to enhance your best features.
Completing Your Profile
On Sirvo, your profile acts as a digital resume and is the first thing employers see when you’ve applied to a position. We provide options for you to include your work experience, education, skills and interests. It’s a simple template that can be filled out quickly and is your chance to showcase what you’ve accomplished and why you’re qualified for the position. An unfinished profile is 99% less likely to receive a response from an employer.
Know who you are trying to work for and dress accordingly.
One would think living in a world of spell-check that simple grammatical or spelling errors would be a thing of the past, but the reality is that the existence of spell-check has made us worse writers prone to simple errors. We see these mistakes being made on all levels, even by major news organizations. We are not casting judgement here (we are guilty of this). But what we are saying is that when you are applying for a position, check your writing and then double-check it. The last thing anyone wants is to be disqualified for consideration of a new job because of a simple grammatical error.
Dress the Part
We live in a pretty laid back culture and as a society we have become a lot more accepting of a looser and somewhat less professional culture in the workplace. The hospitality industry is one of those industries that has accepted this relaxed decorum. That being said, there is a level of professionalism that should be maintained and is expected of applicants seeking open positions. Just because you are applying for that Barista position down the street at your neighborhood’s hippest coffee shop, doesn’t mean you should wear a t-shirt and jeans to the interview. Know who you are trying to work for and dress accordingly.
An unfinished profile is 99% less likely to receive a response from an employer.
Sharing too much information, be it in within your profile or in a job interview, is also something we suggest not to do. Everyone knows it is an election year, your interview is probably not the best place to get on your soapbox about what you think is wrong with this world. We also recommend not revealing too much about last week’s music festival. Speak to your qualifications and what sets you apart from other candidates applying to the same position.
We recognize that for a lot of our applicants, making a career in the hospitality industry is not the plan. A lot of times the attitude seems to be that some people are just doing this until they find their “real job”. Well the fact of the matter is that for most employers, this is their real job. We should carry ourselves as professionals in all lines and at all levels of work. The same person offering you that Dishwasher position, may be the same person who offers you that Sous Chef position down the road. How you carried yourself in that initial meeting will go a long way.
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