Chef Paul Sorgule of Harvest America Ventures blog just released an open letter to young chefs who are soon to graduate their culinary programs and venture out into their career. The letter states 20 pieces of advice that you may or may not have heard before, but regardless are worth repeating.

6 Signs That You Should Quit Your Job
Staying in the same job offers comfort and consistency, but many workers outgrow their position, lack room for advancement and miss out on potential career opportunities. Staying in your comfort zone is definitely easier than quitting and navigating the job search market, but the rewards may be worth the risks. This is because new jobs offer fresh challenges, excitement and growth prospects.
Morning Sickness
If the first thing you feel in the morning after waking up is dread, then maybe it’s time for a career change. Ideally, you should be excited to start your day, upbeat about your long commute or thinking about what you will accomplish by the end of your shift. If the job doesn’t make you happy and fulfilled, having nice bosses, coworkers and customers isn’t enough to keep you motivated. Taking inventory of the pros and cons is the best way to identify and decide if a career change is truly needed.
Pros vs. Cons
Create a list with at least a few descriptive categories, such as like, dislike and talents. The first column should include things that you like and love about your past and current jobs. The second column should include things that you dislike doing and lack competencies in, such as math or desk work. The third column should have things that you passionately enjoy doing and dream about experiencing. These could include hobbies and extracurricular activities. Identifying non-negotiable items and values will help you to creatively brainstorm new career goals.
Time to Be Selfish
Many workers sacrifice their own self-interests for the sake of their friends, family, and community. For example, some people are pushed by their parents into pursuing a degree they loathe, but others relocate to unfamiliar cities to help out family members. Jobs that involve intense public interaction, such as teaching, social work, and customer service, benefit the community but burn out the dedicated workers. If you have already devoted years to civic or familial obligations, maybe it’s time to transition to a career that revolves around your needs and preferences.
Stress Management
Certain industries experience high turnover rates because of stress and pressure. This includes everything from waitressing to firefighting to executive management. If work-related stress is seriously affecting your health, it’s time to consider your career options. The negative variables that physically and mentally impact you, such as the work, people or culture, may be adjusted through internal adjustments. For example, an experienced waitress may be ready to change restaurants or apply for supervisory positions. A stressed out supervisor in the service industry may simply need to transfer to an itinerant, specialized or administrative position.
The Wall
Workers who are overqualified for their position may be stuck in a career rut that fails to utilize their skills and training. Sometimes, management simply doesn’t want to acknowledge that you have more to offer or that you are making significant contributions. This is true if you have been repeatedly been passed over for promotions, not given challenging assignments or awarded with due recognition. The more that your innovative ideas and experiential advice are answered with denials or silence, the more you should consider a job change. It’s a good idea to use available career resources to find your dream job.
Toxic Environments
Most workers won’t directly experience bullying, harassment or verbal abuse, but they may have to silently suffer in unpleasant or passively aggressive work conditions. This could be a narcissistic boss, self-centered coworkers, and bureaucratic leadership dynamics. Human resources could be driven by policy adherence and cutting corners instead of investing in employees. The company may be driven by profits at the costs of sustainability, quality products, and customer satisfaction. Any of these growth-inducing behaviors may motivate you to switch careers.
In the end, a job isn’t just about a salary and stability, it’s about a quality of life and personal achievements. The BLS states that the average adult spends 8.8 hours in work-related activities during the week, which is anywhere between 180 to 200 hours per month. Holistically analyzing and understanding all the dimensions of your skills, career goals and personal dreams will help you find the job that will make you thrive and grow.
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