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Hospitality Hiring: Why Utilize Online Hiring Platforms
Believe it or not folks, but with every new restaurant opening and new opportunities lying around every corner, we are competing for talent.
Hospitality hiring right now
Effective hiring practices within the hospitality industry are more paramount than ever. We have seen a sharp increase in the national turnover rate, which has risen from 56% five years ago to 70% in 2016. This is a trend that has to slow down if we are going to control cost and maintain a consistent level of service in the years to come.
So, what’s the cause? Much of the problem has to do with outdated hiring practices that don’t consider the patterns and behaviors of this generation of workers. Namely their desire to work for companies whose brands they admire and relate to as well as those that present clear growth opportunities.
The solution? Utilizing hiring platforms that can simultaneously reach industry professionals on a broad scale and convey the personal message for which they are searching. In other words, hiring apps that are online and mobile-friendly.
For years we have been relying on paper applications, “Help Wanted” signs and word of mouth to fill open positions at our establishments.
Out with the old…
For years we have been relying on paper applications, “Help Wanted” signs and word of mouth to fill open positions at our establishments. Using professional and modern online hiring platforms that are industry specific will help modernize some of these outdated hiring practices and will assist in providing a solution to our industry’s turnover problem.
There are some key features with sites like ours, that make the hiring process smoother and more efficient. We have built a central network full of industry professionals seeking positions within companies just like yours. One of the first things that need to happen is marketing and branding yourself in a way that attracts top talent.
Marketing your concept & culture
Why should job seekers choose to work for your company over a competitor? What aspects of your concept and culture make you stand out? These are all questions to ask yourself when you’ve decided to create an account with professional online hiring platforms.
One of the best features on Sirvo is the ability to create a business page and to customize it in a fashion that best represents your brand. This is done by being able to post a business profile picture and a cover photo that showcases one of those great Instagram photos you’ve posted over the years. There is also an area where you can break down your style of cuisine, concept or company motto or mission statement.
Posting an open position is another way for you to brand and market your company, by including specifics to requirements, qualifications and benefits of working for your type of establishment. You want to reach as many qualified candidates as possible and the only way to do so is by presenting yourself and your open position in the best light possible. Your business profile page and it’s look is essential to making a great first impression.
Effective hiring practices within the hospitality industry are more paramount than ever.
Streamline the hiring process
Besides the advantages of being inside of a network and broadcasting open positions specific to your industry’s talent pool, is the benefit to utilizing our Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). What is ATS exactly? Well on Sirvo it’s a feature that allows you to do a number of things like:
- Receive notifications of new applicants
- View applicant profiles
- Categorize applicants in a “qualified” or “declined” category
- Message applicants directly to set interviews
Boom! Our ATS speeds up the process and centralizes communication within one network. No more getting emails with sketchy attachments or from applicants that you have zero background information on. With Sirvo, both the job seeker and your business have a better idea of who they may be partnering with in the near future.
If we continue to only consider the seven people that walked through our doors to fill out a paper application the last two weeks, then we are essentially eliminating a very large pool of qualified individuals online.
Time to enter the 21st century
We need to face the facts here, we are operating within a hiring process that is outdated and is in desperate need for an update. This isn’t a criticism, it’s a reality. We have been stuck in our old ways of doing things and we are an industry reluctant to change. Utilizing online hiring platforms will save you time, money and will assist in creating a well-rounded team of new hires. If we continue to only consider the seven people that walked through our doors to fill out a paper application the last two weeks, then we are essentially eliminating a very large pool of qualified individuals online.
Aren’t you tired of hiring and training constantly? Isn’t day to day business easier when you have a full staff? This is a fast growing, competitive industry, let’s stop trying to fill space and let’s invest in our hiring process so that we hire the actual “best” candidate to join our team!
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